If you read the preceding article about the Law Of Attraction you now hold the key to understanding why so many of us struggle with making and keeping money. Since everything is energy then our thoughts about money will either attract or repel money into or out of our lives.
So in order to get your money right you must begin by getting your mind right. This means you must be willing to examine all of your deeply held thoughts and beliefs about money. Too many of us were taught negative beliefs about money as children that currently affect our ability to attract money into our lives today.
Here are just a few of the erroneous beliefs that were programmed into us from a very early age.
Money doesn’t grow on trees
Money is the root of all evil
There is not enough money
A penny saved is a penny earned
Rich people are greedy and dishonest
It’s not spiritual to make lots of money
It takes money to make money
I don’t deserve to make lots of money
These are just a few of the erroneous beliefs we were taught about money and as long as we hold on to them we will never be able to attract enough money into our lives.
So the key is to figure out which of these beliefs you currently hold on to. The way to do this is to simply ask yourself honestly whether or not you actually believe any of them. So take a moment and read the list again and see if you react to any of them. You have to pay attention to how you feel as you read them and notice any negative reaction you might have. If any of them resonate with you then you must make a commitment to yourself to change them.
This is what I mean when I say, mind right money right. If you will make the effort to change your mind about money rest assured that your experience with money would also change.
Get your mind right to get your money right!