Would you like to know how to live an extraordinary life? Believe it or not it’s actually pretty simple. All you have to do is answer two simple questions and you’re well on your way to living the life of your dreams. Before I share what the two questions are I must make the distinction between something being “simple” and being “easy” because they are definitely not the same. So let me stress to you that these two questions are simple but I can assure you that answering them will not be easy.
Here they are:
Question #1. What do you want?
Question #2. What are you willing to do to get it?
Believe it or not, very few people can answer the first question. Some easy answers are things like, I want a new car or a new house or a new relationship or a new job or more money or to lose weight. These are what I would call “surface” answers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting these things but I can assure you that even if you had them there is no guarantee that they would make you happy.
So I would like to challenge you to go a little deeper and ask yourself “what is your hearts desire?” This is the granddaddy of all questions and if you are ever able to answer it I can assure you that you will be on the verge of finding your true passions that will definitely lead you to authentic joy and living an extraordinary life.
So this is the question I would like you to ponder. What is your hearts desire?
It is my fervent belief that every human being has a divine purpose or a hearts desire. It is something that is encoded in your DNA and it is your responsibility to find out what it is. The reason so few people ever find their hearts desire is because we live in a culture that teaches us that exterior things will always make us happy so that’s what we think we truly want.
But if we are willing to ask ourselves the deeper questions we will eventually come up with deeper answers that will make our hearts sing.
Which leads us to question #2, what are you willing to do to find your hearts desire? This is really difficult because finding your hearts desire can be extremely difficult and it requires that you be willing to get out of your comfort zone. Most people aren’t willing to do this. People really dislike being uncomfortable. But I can assure you that the only way you will ever find your hearts desire is that you must get comfortable being uncomfortable and simply make a commitment to finding your hearts desire.
So what is your hearts desire and what are you willing to do to find it?